Opening day guidelines

As most all of you already know, this is gonna be a weird season. No fans, no scouting of other games, no double fields etc; it’s gonna be straight weird.

So in compliance to the New Hampshire’s safety protocols we have to adhere to here is a list of we (and you) are doing opening weekend and through out:

1. No fans: This means no friends, no wives or girlfriends, no kids and no parents. We have to limit the amount of people in one common area to a minimum.

2. Communal Equipment: This is a hard one but we have to all make sure that none of the equipment is shared from team to team. Bring your own ball, gloves, water etc. The only thing we will be able to provide is flags (if needed).

3. Covid Waiver: Everyone must provide a signed and dated Covid Waiver BEFORE stepping on the field for opening week. The waivers are available for online submission HERE.

4. Distancing: Obviously this is impossible but we’re referring to the distancing of other teams. Each team will have a designated sideline that they must stay part of.

5. Practice: Man we talking about practice. Not a game. Practice. Yes, warmups are prohibited in the vicinity of the field. You will be allowed to warmup elsewhere, just not where the games are.

6. Strict Game times: We have to be strict this year as far as start times go. The fields are not allowed to be occupied for longer than 6 hours. This means that if your game starts at 8:50, it means 8:50 and no later.

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